Thursday, September 30, 2010

The lazy blogger signs in

Didn't mean to race and run...  Just haven't been in the bloggiest of moods lately.  Just a few things going on:

1) School is going well.  I guess it sounds a bit boastful, but the WORST grade I got on my tests last week was a 100.  Yes, thanks to the power of extra credit, my test scores ran 100, 102, and 103.  So, all the studying paid off.  But it only gets more fun from here on out in A&P: we're on to memorizing all the bones (and the attachments, holes, and funky parts there of), and will next go on to all of the muscles.  Who knew you had so many holes in your head? 

2) Instead of having a hard training calendar, I've set up a template for myself.  I have three weights days a week, three to four run days a week, yoga class, and four slots for karate, class numbers/length varying.  There is no formal off day, but I suspect off days will present themselves to me.  I had expected to take a partial day off (no run) today, in fact, because it was supposed to be POURING this morning, but it was just humid as all hell, so out I went.  When this next race is over, I plan to MAKE myself rest for as long as I can stand it.  (What that usually looks like to me is taking out the running and weights, and leaving in karate and yoga.  So, I guess it's more like a recovery period.)

3) I feel a bit odd about abandoning the rest day proper.  I've long advocated for them, but lately I've found I have a really hard time sleeping if I don't do SOMETHING reasonably athletic, and that's not so great, either.  So I will try to balance harder and easier days as much as possible.

4) I'm doing self-designed weight workouts.  I originally was planning to use the FBB stage 3 and 4 workouts, which look pretty interesting, but I made these two up to sort of fill in a time gap, and like them enough to want to continue with them for a while.  They both include a variety of leg and glute exercises, some rotational exercise, core or ab work, and either vertical or horizontal push/pull elements.  Nothing brilliant, I'm sure, but different enough from what I've been doing to be fresh and basic enough, I think, to be useful.

5) Yay, Phillies! 

Time to chill a bit before karate.  I'm feeling a bit like Grif, here, right now:

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