Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Test mode

Today I handed in a psych paper, the first "paper" I've done in, well, a long time. 

Which is not to say I haven't done a shitload of reports over the past, well, few years, but they've all been very formal, structured reports, prepared according to a very formal template, reviewed by at least one and up to a dozen or more (yes, seriously) other people, containing data tables, maps, diagrams, and appendices out the ass, and packaged by someone else into a glossy, bound package.  I didn't find it particularly difficult to write, but in re-reading it, I had to wonder what the instructor will make of my voice, which was incredibly formal. I didn't really give any thought to an appropriate writing level for the thing, and perhaps I should have.  Oh well, done is done.  Also had a psych test today, which kicked off the next testing cycle (why, oh why do these things happen in cycles?).  Anyway, today was psych, Thursday is a lab practical for A&P, Tuesday is an A&P exam, and next Thursday is yet another psych test.  So if I'm not writing much, you'll know why.

Overall, the workouts have been going well, but I'm about ready for a break.  I've been waiting for a rest day to present itself to me, but so far, no dice.  I felt pretty draggy this morning toward the end of my run this morning and may take a pass on karate tonight.  Might also give the leggies a break in tomorrow's weight session and do upper body only.  I found a pretty cool workout on - of all places - the Precision Nutrition website and I've been interested in trying it.  Goes like:

Corner barbell press
Corner barbell row
Seesaw press
Machine Flyes
Cable seated row

I honestly can't remember the last time I did a machine fly...  Then again I might just pick up the kettlebells and do a grind style day.  It's all good, right?

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