Thursday, March 4, 2010

No pain!

Wooo! Two days in a row now, I've woken up in the morning with NO PAIN IN MY MOUTH, whatsoever. This is no thanks to drugs; rather, my cut up bits have mended, and I have a temporary cap on the root canal tooth. I was so astonished to wake up yesterday not having to think about out how I was going to eat around this or that, that I think I floated through the morning. This has been a long time (months) coming, and now the end is in sight. I get the permanent crown in a week and a half or so, and that will be that. (For now. I am sure I still need work; at the very least, a cleaning. But for the moment, I want to breathe.)

Finished NROL/W Stage 2 yesterday. Because I had that mini break in the middle of the stage, I'm going to plow right into Stage 3 without a break, so it'll be on to new stuff tomorrow. The one thing I already don't like about this stage (heh) is the 105 second breaks between sets. Are you kidding me? That equals about 36 minutes of standing around the gym per workout. More for the B workout if you actually take a break between ab exercises, which I don't. (Seriously? A 105 second rest after 6 swiss ball crunches? What is he thinking?) I may do strongman crunches instead of some or all of the ab work. These are unusual and I seem to feel them pretty quickly. I also sprung them on a karate class or two, and had people who are used to doing a LOT of ab work whining in no time.

A brief history and demo of the exercise, courtesy of Anthony DeLuglio:

Stongman Crunches from art of strength on Vimeo.

Give 'em a try!

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