Also known as brown belt, three stripes - my official rank as of yesterday. Woo! It was a hell of an emotional day for me, more so than the usual gradings because it was 1) something I really wasn't sure I'd achieve, just a few months ago, and 2) because it actually did go really, really well. I could nitpick my few dissatisfactions, but considering I was lying in a hospital bed in November, couldn't walk without a walker, and still am missing feeling in part of one foot, I can't complain. There are a few action shots of me from the test, and I may publish them if I ever get copies of them; we'll see.
So the work is cut out for me for the next year; I know what I have to learn, and I think I'm on the right path insofar as "other" training goes: specifically, tailoring other activities to support karate and not taking it any further than that. Weights: total body workouts along the functional/sports line, or kettlebells. Cardio - mix of intervals and shortish - there's probably no reason for me to run any longer than six, eight miles (ha! when I get back to that level). That's usually a nice, hour-ish run with routes that will get me to/through most of the parks around here. In other words, I need to keep this really, really simple and doable and keep f.o.c.u.s.e.d.
The weather has really sucked over the past few days - rain, rain, rain. I've had a few very damp walks, but what the hell. I dry off. But it's supposed to be nicer later in the week, sunny and low 60's, which makes me happy, because I'm about ready to start the running thing again. I had planned to start tomorrow, actually, but completely forgot I have two dentist appointments (crown, plus follow up with the oral surgeon) so I don't think it's going to happen. The plan is to run - very short distances for now - on three non-lifting days, and to let things progress organically from there. A doable plan, methinks.
Wow, congratulations!!