Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It ain't over 'til it's over


I'm not entirely sure what just happened, but I THINK I just had a major periodontal procedure. Blech. Went in for a crown, and they talked me into getting a dental cleaning whilst I was there. I figured, it's been 30 years since my last one, so why not? Well, the guy took one look at me, and about 7,000 x-rays, and said I needed deep scaling/root cleaning. So, I had half of my mouth done, figuring, why the hell not get it over with. I get the other half done Thursday, and THEN, oh joy, I have three small cavities to have filled. That will be next Tuesday.

Looking on the bright side, if the oral surgeon wants to do anything to me, my mouth is already half numb.

I'm not sure if I'm doing karate tonight; it'll depend on how I feel when the novocaine wears off. I took three Vitamin I's and two tylenol already - hopefully an overreaction on my part - and I'd like to go but right now I feel like someone just dinged me a good one. Oh well. Hopefully, the end really is in sight now!


  1. Oh, I've had the quadrant thing done - it's for an overabundance of plaque, right?? Very much like being sandblasted, if you ask me.

  2. Presence of plaque and tarter below the gum line. Guy went in with drills and picks... Fun.
