Actually I think the snow is finally going to stop today. It's been snowing for about 5 days straight - most of it was light and didn't stick, but it reminded me of when I lived in Pittsburgh, and it seemed to me that it snowed just about every day between November and March. Not stormy, pile-it-up snow, but frequent, light snow. I'll take this over rain any day, but what I'm really up for about now is some sunshine.
The area kind of went nuts over the last storm, but on a practical level, for me, nothing interrupted the usual plans (walking, gym, karate, yoga). We did have a substitute yoga teacher who was pretty interesting. At the end of the class she gave everyone a mini-neck massage, and found, in very short order, the tight spot in my neck/shoulder that has been bothering me for months. She gave me a rec for a massage therapist and I'm considering giving them a call. For the most part it's livewithable (although - duh - I know it's not a good thing), but every now and then something comes along that really aggravates it. (Read: Prone Cuban Snatch, which you know and love if you've done NR/W. I'm really not looking forward to the YTL exercise in the next stage, at that.) It's not annoying enough for me to want to shell out money for professional services, but then, waiting for that tipping point hasn't always worked out well for me in the past, so maybe I'll make the inquiry.
I should finish up NR Stage 2 this Wednesday. The plan is to take Friday off and start Stage 3 next Monday, assuming all goes according to schedule. I've doodled out a very tentative schedule for finishing the program, and assuming there are no significant breaks, I should finish up by 4th of July. Naturally, I've been wondering what I'll do after that (I mean, I only have four months to think about it), and one program that has recently come to my attention is Female Body Breakthrough by Rachel Cosgrove (and yes, she is Mrs. Alwyn). I've been skimming the book, and I have to say that while I was warned about her borderline condescending, it's-just-us-girls writing style, it's worse than I expected. I figured I'd be able to wade through this because I can navigate (read: ignore) the testosterone laden horseshit in Manly Man weight books, kettlebell books, and websites, but for some reason, I guess I expected more of a woman addressing women than an overbalance in the opposite direction. The workouts themselves look interesting, though, so there's hope.
And on the subject of books - here's a massive Thumbs Down to Barnes and Noble. I ordered FBB and another book from them, as opposed to Amazon, mainly because I had an unused gift card that has been sitting around for a good long while. I got this book and one other at a Special Member Price (offered to everyone), with Free Expedited 3 - Day Shipping! Well, the Special Member Price was still more expensive than Amazon's usual price, and it took a week for one of the books to get to me. The other still hasn't arrived. I'm glad it was all free, basically, but in future I'm going to discourage people from buying me B&N gift certificates.
Ending with some cuteness: I went to take my breakfast dishes into the kitchen this morning, and what to my wondering eyes did appear, but
Grif is not really a Sink Cat - in fact, that's the first time I've seen him in there, so I just cracked up and was glad he stayed long enough for me to get the camera. Baby Boy also likes my new kitchen throw rug:
OMG, he is adorable and HUGE! I can't believe how big he is from the last pics I saw. How is he getting along with the rest of the fur fam?
ReplyDeleteWhat's interesting about Rachel Cosgrove's programming? I haven't bought the book because it was pretty universally riddled on most of the sites I frequent. Normally I don't care too much what anyone's opinion is and prefer to make my own, but I thought opinion was too heavily skewed to give it much hope.
Alwyn's blog has turned into one product advertisement after another. Very disappointing. I guess fitness people need money, too, but you think he could find ways to be slightly more tactful about the whole thing, like every three posts or so??
Duh - I meant to say "derided" or "ridiculed" or something slightly intelligible. Don't ask me where "riddled" came from.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the little boy has grown up! Still has a baby face, though.
ReplyDeleteRachel Cosgrove's program is similar in style to the NROL4W program. I like that she includes a lot of unilateral work as well as body weight work. The work all seems very athletic, and that will get me every time.
I don't like her writing style; I don't like the girlfriend-y tone and I'm not really interested in her breathless admonitions. I'm not sure it's worth the eye rolling to read the entire book, so what I will probably end up doing is just continue to skim, and when it's time, just do the workouts.
Sorry to hear about Alwyn's blog. I don't usually read it; I kind of think I've gotten from him what I'm going to get from him, and there's no need for continued exposure. LOL