Saturday, February 13, 2010


One thing I've found, in years of doing sports, is that sometimes the hardest thing about doing an event is filling out the paperwork. You can want to do something, think about it, consider it, think about how you'd train for it - but the paperwork, the actual entering, always seems to be the holy shit! moment for me. THAT is the commitment. Was that way for my first horse trials and subsequently any big event I entered, my first road race, my first marathon, my first triathlon, big seminars and trainings, and most of my recent belt tests. They more or less come around on a predetermined schedule, presuming you're showing up to class, working hard, and doing what you're supposed to be doing, but it's still always a big deal for me when I advance a rank.

So, I turned in my pre-test paperwork today - meaning the ship is sailing, and I'm on for the ride. Sensei was out today so we didn't set a date, although it wouldn't surprise me if it were next Saturday. The actual test will depend on the head sensei's schedule, but I'm guessing it will be in early March.

It was great to be back in class today. There are several of us up for pretesting, so we went over most of the test requirements, then did some sparring. Got to spar with one of the newer students, a transplant from the left coast who is 3rd dan in a similar style. He's a good teacher (had a school of his own out there), and I got a lot out of it. I think I'm going to have a few gnarly bruises, too.

1 comment:

  1. Lesley!!! Hello! I didn't know you had a new blog. I also didn't know about everything that happened last year, although I did wonder why you fell out of sight. I have a new blog, too, but it's private, but if you PM me your email on the Ya's I will add you. (I am marmact there.) No pressure if you are not interested. :)

    I do hope you are doing better, though!
