Friday, February 19, 2010

Toothless in NJ

Well, at least it's over with! Three teeth, two wisdom teeth and a molar, gone. My surgeon also oooed and aaahed at the length of my roots. (Personally, I would have been happy with something more useful, like longer legs.) I wound up with stitches on both sides, and even at this hour, both incisions are still oozing blood. Yum. The procedure itself didn't take all that long and was basically painless, until the novocaine wore off. I do have good drugs, but those first few hours were a bit rough.

I was told no heavy lifting over the weekend, which is fine with me. I'm not a martyr and intend to keep taking pain meds as prescribed until I'm not afraid to not take them, or at least switch to plain old vitamin I. I would like that to be by Monday, so I can neatly resume my lifting schedule, but some things are just out of one's control, so what will be, will be.

Ooo, and I got to see the teeth after she pulled them. They were pretty gnarly looking, and I could tell she got some bone out with the roots. (Funny side note: All of the dentists I've used in this little odyssey have been female. That wasn't out of any intention on my part; I just picked practises from my list of insurance eligible providers, and wound up with an all female cast. Pretty cool, eh?)

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