So, I've done the unthinkable, and take it easy this week. So far. I've skipped karate entirely, haven't run a step, and have restricted the weights to Stuff that Doesn't Hurt, and even within that realm, have taken it easy on the lower boy. Plus I've taken Vitamin I like a good patient, and voila, my hip feels about 75% better than it did earlier this week. So the plan is to continue in this pattern for a couple more days. I MIGHT test the waters with a short run on Sunday, although now that I think about it, maybe I should make it a walk. If I can't walk, I can't run, eh?
The worst day, by far, was Tuesday. I guess the kettlebell work, which I didn't feel at the time, did some damage. I had a very hard time walking up stairs and even took the elevator once at school (taking elevators, when there are perfectly good stairs available, is against my religion). Actually the worst thing was crossing roads in the city, because there was no way I could bust out in a sprint if I had to get out of the way of an asshole driver. It just wasn't there. That alone, I think, convinced me to dial things waaaaaay back. So, rest does a body a world of good. Who knew?
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