Sunday, March 20, 2011


I am not a basketball fan.  While I don't actively DIS like it, I'm happy to ignore it, and it's generally an easy thing to do EXCEPT in March, when it seems like half of what is on at any given time is basketball.  Jeezy creezy.  I mean, I love sports; generally I'd rather watch sports than just about anything else, but for me, basketball does not count.  (Nor does NASCAR.) 

Normally I'd just shrug this off and read, but with the GREs tomorrow, I could use some mindless diversion, and reruns and roundball aren't cutting it.   I honestly haven't thought much about them until today.  They're not the kind of test I can imagine doing prep for, although I had intended to.  However, one quick glance over the types of questions asked pretty much lead me to believe there isn't really a WAY to study for these exams, any more than there was a way to study for the SATs.  Sure, you could strategy prep, I guess, but studying for ways to outsmart a standardized test REALLY doesn't seem to me to be a good use of anyone's time, unless one is hell bent on getting a perfect score.  Which I am not.  I'm not even sure what a perfect score IS; I see conflicting information as to how the tests are scored and of what is considered a good score.  Honestly?  It will be what it will be.  I've always scored in an upper percentile on these kinds of tests so I don't think worrying about it is going to change much.

But what DID give me the whole elevator dropping out from under the stomach feel was going back to various school websites and looking for school codes (so I could have my scores sent to them), and reviewing the admissions packages.  Scared me to DEATH.  I mean, there's nothing there that I hadn't read before; it's just nearer term now and hence a lot more meaningful.  With all my planned coursework done, I will be able to actually start putting packages together for really reals in May, and I probably should so the shock factor can hit me early and then start to ebb by the time I have to submit them (which will be in the fall; dates range from September to November, depending on the school).

Enough of that!  Today was a bit of a banner day for me, as I did my first real run since that disastrous day three weeks ago when I basically broke down on the trail and had to limp home.  Did a little shy of six miles at a relaxed pace, and foam rollered the hell out of my legs when I got home.  It all went very well, and hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow with nothing more serious than a little stiffness.  I plan to run on my usual days this week, but keep the mileage down, and see how it all goes; fingers crossed, I'll just keep increasing the mileage gradually and SHOULD be OK for Mt. Penn.  Which may not be pretty, but who cares?

What happens after that is anyone's guess.  I'd like to assume things will continue to get better at this fairly linear pace, and I'll do the year more or less as planned (ultra in the fall, couple of intermediate distance between now and then), but I want to see how this acts before I think that far ahead.  Anything other than complete recovery says I really need to rethink that plan so I can still be running 20, 30 years from now.

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