Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why do I do this, again?

Wowza.  Wound up getting the day off work, which isn't exactly good - don't work, don't get paid - but isn't exactly bad, as I've been getting some college app stuff organized, deadlines on the calendar, etc.

Of course, it also means I've been on the interwebs, and my mind had gotten to wandering, and... I'm looking at two early 2012 ultras.  What on earth is wrong with me???  OK, nothing - I'm a runner, we DO this - but what happened to the Winter of Strength I've been thinking about?  Didn't happen last year; is it destined not to happen this year as well?  Why is it so darned easy for me to keep putting that stuff off in favor of new races?  Is this just a stage of my life? 

Seriously.  I had the rest of the year - frankly, pretty much the ENTIRE time between post October 2 race and my hoped/anticipated start of grad school planned as successive strength rotations - a second pass through NROL/Abs followed by Maximum Strength.  I kid you not.  It all fits perfectly, with enough extra room for some needed recovery and the possibility of an interruption here or there.

I guess I should look at this as a happy dilemma; I am healthy and injury free (if happily anticipating taking a week off after this next race) and have the luxury of choosing exactly what I want to do.  Working in a PT office perhaps helps me appreciate this all the more.  The problem, as always, is that I want to do everything.  I know that trying to fit as much in the schedule as I do probably compromises the quality of any one thing - i.e., I would be stronger if I focused on lifting, faster if I focused on running, more bad-ass (or whatever) if I just did martial arts - but I enjoy them all, so that doesn't seem to be an option.  And, so far, the balance seems to be working for me... I'm just abjectly curious about what would happen if I ran this strength experiment, and to do it I need to seriously cut back the running.

Except some really insistent part of my brain doesn't want to do that just now.  Especially now, with the weather turning more favorable for running.  Bugger. 

Oh well.  Enough thinking on this today.  I can't stop the mind from bubbling away, but no decisions until post race!

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