Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Executive Decision

I very rarely do this, but I have decided to cut Phase 2 of NROL/Abs a bit shorter than intended.  The book recommends you do both workouts from each stage 6 - 8 times.  I had planned to do  8, and have done 7 to date, but I find myself 4 days out from a trail half marathon with a nasty head cold, and at this point discretion seems the better part of valor.  My workout Monday was far from my best and I don't know that I'd have much to gain from doing two more sub-par workouts as opposed to letting the bod spend the energy on getting healthy.  I don't find this particularly satisfying, but I also don't want to keel over on the trail, so there you have it.  I'll pick up with stage 3 after the half, which should take me though around 4th of July, if I keep doing it three days a week.

Which, I might not.  My long runs are of necessity only going to get longer.  In fact most ultra training plans I've perused include the principle  of weekend doubles - longer runs both days - bracketed by rest days on Monday and Friday, days on which I now usually lift.  Further complicating things is the fact that karate starts early on Saturdays - I'm usually at the dojo by 7:25 and don't get home until nearly 10 - which does not leave a lot of time for a pre-class run, and who wants to run mid-day in the heat of summer?  So, I have some schedule wrasslin' to do.  Yay.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Checked online today, and found that to my complete expectation, I got A's in my classes.  Woo, nonetheless!  I spent a good part of today sorting through application packages, assessing where I am, and thinking I might have to take another course or two, anyway.  Blah.  But I have the big ones out of the way, and am still focusing now on 1) work, and 2) looking for a PT volunteer position.  Thanks to a very painful but ultimately fruitful shopping expedition, I now actually have an outfit I could comfortably wear in a professional situation.  I also came to the realization that my hair has got to go at some point.  It's long, thick, and wavy, and frankly I just keep it long because it's easy, not so much because I like it or am attached to it.  But standing in a dressing room in real grown-up clothes, I had a bit of a rude awakening; it really detracts from the overall picture.  So, it's going to go, although I'm not sure when.

Today I did a run I've been wanting to do for a while - hill repeats.  I went to the nastiest hill within reasonable running distance (which truly is a relative description) and did four trips up.  Considered doing five, but I was dragging up the last part of the fourth trip, so I called it quits there.  It's not a BAD hill; it's a good 250m of increasingly steep climb in a shaded area that seldom has much traffic.  So the plan will be to do this workout every other week, and add one repeat each go.  That should get me to 10 by end of summer, just prior to the 12 hour race.  Right now I can't picture doing that thing 10 times, but by then, hopefully it won't kill me.

Oh yeah, and because I have happily recovered it - possibly my favorite picture of Grif:

Cutie pie often sits like that, with his head cocked to one side.  He's about 8 months old in this photo.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Took a rare rest day today.  Yesterday's run took a pretty good chunk out of me, which isn't really surprising.  I haven't run that far since I was training for Marine Corps, and I ran that in 2006.  That was the end of my buildup for this next half; I'll take it easier next Sunday, then the half is the following weekend.  After that it'll be about prepping for the 12 hour, and that just means the weekend long runs will get longer.  I do recall usually really wanting/needing the day off after Long Run Day, and it's not something I plan to begrudge myself going forward.  So I'll have to think about how I want to balance things for the last phase of NROL/Abs, which will start for me the week after the half.  Might shorten it (just do six, as opposed to 8 workouts), might just do two workouts a week, might wait to install the Really Long Run until after the phase is done...  although that would leave just two months of build up time, which is probably not the best idea.  Not something I'm deciding today, however.

Attempted to go clothes shopping today.  Now that I'm out of school for the forseeable future, I need to find full time employment.  However, I haven't had the kind of job where I had to wear Real Clothes (meaning, not jeans) on a daily basis in over 10 years.  Added to that, when I DID have that kind of job, I also carried 10 - 15# more weight than I do now, so the few remnants I have from that era are not only out of date, but don't fit.  I don't know what kind of work I will wind up doing - frankly I don't really care what it is so long as it's not clerical work - so I'm just thinking, presentable initial interview outfit for now, and will fill in the details later.  But I completely struck out today.  Couldn't find a single pair of pants in my size, whatever that is, and it's not like I didn't look.  I spoke with the store clerks and apparently they get in very few clothes in smaller sizes, and they are snatched up right away.  I even looked in the juniors department, and had the same issue, namely the insanely long inseam.  For whatever reason, I could find TONS of pants in petite length in sizes 8 - 16; do they not think smaller people come in short sizes, too?  Because I had on some size 2 pants that HAD to have a 34" inseam.  WTF? 

I finally hit the burnout point and came home. Tomorrow is another day.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Computer saga, Le Fin (I hope)

... or, I think I finally lost some of my Mac naivete, for whatever it was worth.

When I posted yesterday, I was convinced my computer issues had been caused by an internal Mac software problem; however I was also still convinced there was some problem lurking within my external hard drive.  That was because Time Machine, the built-in Mac back up system that writes to that drive, had been working flawlessly up until a couple of months ago; now that it was reinstalled, all fresh and pristine, it should be working perfectly, and yet I was still getting a very unhelpful error message when I tried to run it.  So with the OS (theoretically) being clean, what else, besides the drive, could it be?

So... I started external hard drive shopping.  But I had all manner of nagging thoughts.  What if I was wrong, yet again?  What if I shelled out for a new drive, only to find that IT didn't work, either?  And why, if my current drive wouldn't work as an automatic back up, did it behave perfectly when I used it as a manual back up prior to my whitewashing the system?  Did I really understand the problem?  The answer to that very obviously being no, I embarked on a Quest for Understanding.

I would make a long story long, as is my wont, but I truly can't recall everything I did or learned.  I can only say that I am FAR from being alone in having issues with Time Machine.  I learned how to find error codes and tracked them down; found fixes for them that did nothing for me.  I installed an error logger that showed me more error codes and found fixes for them that also did nothing for me.  I learned how to reindex Spotlight, something I didn't even know I had.  I read blogs of Mac geeks who wrestled through the same problems, found the same error codes, and tried the same fixes as I did; while a few were able to resolve their issues, many couldn't.  After a good solid six hours of this (no exaggeration), I decided if a bunch of Mac brainiacs couldn't solve this, no way would I, so I did what I think was the next best thing: abandon the Time Machine ship and buy a third party backup program. The one I picked is called SuperDuper!, and gets very good ratings from totally geektastic Mac-o-philes. While it will reportedly do advanced tricks for power users, it is also completely MacIdiot friendly, with a simple, predictable interface, and to my utter relief, it works and plays happily with that external hard drive I was looking to replace.  Le. Fin.

And now, to continue a tour of some of my favorite photos:

Locke Ober, my bud of many years.

Friday, May 13, 2011

My tale of woe - or, BACK UP YOUR COMPUTER! NOW, YOU FOOL!

I feel as if I've been in a blender these past ten days or so.  Push for finals, lots of family activity, more pushing for finals, Acing the finals (thank you very much), and a colossal computer malfunction.

There's not much to say about the finals; I studied damned hard and although I don't officially know my grades, I came out of them knowing they went well.  My grades were solid enough going in that I'd have had to have bombed the exams to have hurt my final grade, but who wants to go out on anything but a really strong note?  So I went for that, and came out feeling I had it.  (I did get 100% on the last lab practical, that much I know for sure.)  So, school over for now.

The computer story:

I have a Mac, which I do love, but which has not been the trouble-free Machine of Paradise I expected it to be.  While I tend to get curious about how natural, mechanical, and structural things work, computers are none of the above, and it is an understatement to say I'm not all that interested in them from a functional standpoint - I generally just want them to do their job without my having to get bogged down in a lot of details.  To that end, I don't do a lot of funky things on them.  I surf the intertubes, organize photos, do music, write, play a few simple games....  I don't download crazy shit, am wary of where I surf, and until recently always backed up my hard drive.

Until recently, because for reasons I still don't understand, the Time Machine function on this Mac ceased to function several months ago.  I figured it had to be something on my external hard drive, because what goes wrong with a Mac?  Right?  So after trying a lot of trouble shooting and finally taking a very deep breath, I blew away my backup drive, with the expectation that THAT would cure my problem and I'd be back in the time machine business.

Not so.  However, I decided that for the short term, I'd fly without that particular net.  I am a poor student and shelling out for a new drive didn't seem all that critical; although I've ALWAYS had a back-up drive (my earliest one was actually a tape drive), I've never once used it.  Still, better to have and not to need, than need and not to have, right?  But what goes wrong with Macs?

So... Tuesday after school, I was translating a couple of files to MP3 format so I could listen to them on a much needed, post exam cooling off walk, when my computer, which had been acting crotchety for a while, just stopped.  Pinweel of Death, couldn't click on a damned thing kind of stopped.  I tried nice reboots, and not so nice reboots; my dock (basically, the Mac's functional menu) wouldn't pop up, and while I could get to most programs via a second route, it took for-freaking-ever for anything to load. I was absolutely not in a state of mind to deal with this at the moment, so I shut the thing down and went for a walk. 

Next day I ran a diagnostic on the thing.  Mac diagnostics are actually lame as hell compared to PC diagnostics.  It essentially told me my computer was fucked up (no!  Really?) and I should take a flier at it with the start-up disc.  So I spent much of the rest of the day offloading (or so I thought) everything I could on to the drive that used to serve as my back-up (why it seems to work perfectly well that way and NOT for Time Machine is beyond me, but that's how it is), figuring this was probably, one way or another, going to come down to my having to blow everything away and reinstall the system.

And it did.  I put in the start up disc, ran the diagnostic on IT, which told me I had a software problem, not a hardware problem - my first actual piece of diagnostic data.  I spent several hours trying diagnostic things suggested on the Mac help page; most of them, the computer wouldn't do; I couldn't even get a Pinwheel of Death out of it, just no response.  After what seemed like a baseball game's worth of strike outs, I learned what at the time seemed like a single useful thing; my OS had a feature called Archive and Reinstall, which would magically save all of my settings and personal shit whilst the OS installed itself, then reinstall them.  So emboldened, and thinking I'd done a good job of backing things up Just in Case, I jumped off the Reinstall cliff.

The whole process took several hours, and to make a long story short, I could not Archive and Reinstall.  I don't know why; I was just told in MacEse that my computer was too fucked up for that.  So I had to do a total reinstall.  Which my computer told me, in MacEse, that it could not do, because my computer was too fucked up.  Would I like to try again?  And again?  It finally went, and when I tried to reload my personal info from my back up drive, I found that my incomplete knowledge of Mac file structure had lead me to believe I'd saved certain things - namely, ALL of my photographs and my iTunes library - when I hadn't.

At this point I literally sat down on the floor and cried.  It was like a huge piece of my life was gone, and there was nothing I could do about it - and it was all my fault.  That was a very, very hard pill to swallow.  The iTunes, I can rebuild in time; I am such a Luddite in that area that most of what I had I've downloaded from CDs, so I can rebuild almost all of it.  The pictures, though - that really hurts.  To the good, I have shared enough of them over the years that I have uploaded a lot of my favorites to places like Photobucket and ImageShack, so I have those, at the very least.

So I'm rebuilding things slowly.  And I'm shopping for a new back-up drive.

Lessons learned: 
1) Macs are not holy things that always work as advertised. 
2) No matter how trustworthy your computer, don't trust it: back up early, and often.  Really.
3) If you do manual backups, make sure you understand your file structure so you're actually saving what you think your saving.
4) Have someone who's more knowledgeable than you check your work.
5) Oh yea, and back up early, and often.  Srsly.

Baby Grif says so.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Have I mentioned that I really hate running in the afternoon?  Got home from school a little earlier today than usual, having had a test in my afternoon class (the subject matter was eating disorders).   So I'm hanging out a bit, waiting for either the clouds to thicken a bit or the sun to go past its zenith (it was HIGH when I walked in the door) before I head out.  However the longer I sit, the more inertial sets in - so I want to go, and yet, I don't want to go.  LOL.

Part of this is my newfound respect for the need for acclimatization to changing seasons.  I just learned, during a long conversation with my A&P prof about that among other things, that in areas where there is seasonality, ones blood actually is thicker during the cold months than during the warm months, to assist in heating and cooling.  Normally, you just acclimate gradually with the changing of the seasons, but running on unusually warm spring days is like running a car in the summer with winter weight oil - the engine no likey.   Sooo... when I ran last Tuesday in conditions very similar to those we have this afternoon and felt like hammered shit afterwards, there was good reason for it.  I had planned to go this morning before school, but set my alarm clock for 5 something PM, not am, and didn't wake up on my own until nearly 6, which killed that plan.  So, afternoon it will be, and I've shortened the course a bit and will just go slow.  School is almost done, and then I can reestablish my schedule and presumably get these runs in the books when it better suits me.

I was very happy with the 11+ miler on Sunday.  I am hoping to get in 12 this Sunday (that's a bit iffy, due to a family thing, which is a whole 'nother story) and if that goes well, I will enter the Memorial Day weekend half.  And that will probably be it for me until Labor Day weekend, when I hope to do the 12 hour race, which will be my major distance run for the year.  There's a chance I'll add the 50K in October, but I really like the idea of a timed race instead of a fixed distance race for what I hope will be my first ultra.  Then I'll do Dirty Bird (15K) again Thanksgiving weekend.  There's definitely a holiday theme to my runs this year!  Of course, all of that is contingent on my staying healthy and the hip continuing to mend as it now seems to be mending.  It's interesting.  If things go according to plan, I have just over a year before I start grad school (PT schools generally start right after Memorial Day weekend), so my concrete plans now have something of a finite timeline.  What DO I want to get done B.G.S. (Before Grad School)?  I have no idea what I'll be able to do during - it may be a challenge to even keep up the most rudimentary of plans - so I'm identifying those itches I really want to scratch before my short term priorities change.  An Ultra is on the list.  So is Cressey's Maximum Strength, and possibly another go through NROL/Abs.  And a 2012 Mt. Penn, and possibly a part in a spring 2012 marathon relay...  LOL.  Don't know of I'll manage to fit that all in, but no one can say I'll be getting bored any time soon.

Speaking of soon - best to hit the roads now, so I can be home before rush hour.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Wait a second

What happened to April?  Jeezy creezy.  Life is moving very quickly at the moment.  A two minute wrap:

- Recovered very well from the trail run; felt good, if a bit tired, during the running, so I wasn't terribly surprised at that, but it's still a good thing.

- I have about 8 days and 4 exams left of school.  So likely I won't be doing a lot of updating in the next week or so.

- In my first level of intervention re: my continued hip tightness/issues, I have cut back significantly on my recreational walking.  I was - and I'm almost embarrassed to admit this - walking up to two plus hours a day.  I never went out with a PLAN to do that, but I'd get all wrapped up listening to podcasts, and just want to keep going.  Now I'm shooting NTE an hour, although I'm generally coming in a little over that.  And wouldn't you know?  I'm seeing very marked improvement in the hip. 

- 2nd stage of NROL/Abs is going well - in fact I'm off to the gym NOW for a workout.  Very glad I gave this program a shot.