Friday, November 12, 2010


OK. Lifting straps work, very well.  I did a bit more reading on them before I used them and the take home message I got was, get over yourself and do the muscles you're trying to work a favor by using the damned straps.  If you feel the need to work on your grip, fine, do it, but don't do it at the expense of working your big muscle groups.  Point driven home.

I'm still wrestling a bit with the whole "no long steady state cardio during MS" thing.  I guess my main area of resistance is, I'm USED to doing running at my current level; I've been at it or even higher for months now - hmm, actually since around May.  Plus, it's not like I haven't been running for something like 30 years.  I'd think whatever physiological adaptations that were going to be made will have been made, but then again, what do I know?   What I do plan to do is to research the issue a bit on my own.  Heck, I have access to two college libraries - may as well make use of them.

Speaking of college - had an exam and a lab practical this week, hence my scarcity.  The test was in psych, and it was an open note/open book test. 

I hate open note/open book tests.  I like to study stuff until I KNOW it; having the book there just makes room for me to second guess myself and waste a lot of time paging through the stupid book.  Which I did, of course, because I'd have felt like an idiot to have gotten something wrong with the book sitting right there beside me.  Bleh.  Well, it's over and I don't expect to see another one of those any time soon, so I'm happy.  The lab practical went well; unless I somehow misread a question, I should have a very good grade on that one.  We have a regular A&P exam next week, and after that I'll feel like I'm in the home stretch for the semester. 

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