Monday, August 30, 2010

Episode IV - A New Workout

As I think I mentioned, as of yesterday I had a total of five (now four) strength training workouts left on my half marathon training schedule, and I was due for a change in routine.  Because I really haven't been in the mood for the usual exhaustive comb-through of programs, searching for something that looks appropriately challenging and different enough to be fresh, I went back to what I consider a golden oldie, a routine given to me by an old trainer.  It's simple, hits all of the major muscle groups, and takes about 45 minutes in the gym (exclusive of warm-up/etc.) which is what I'd call about a perfect total body workout.

Or is it?

This is at least the fourth time I've used this basic workout with some tweak or other (hence, Episode IV), and the first time since I've done any Cosgrove-esque training.  And I have to say, while this workout has historically challenged me, somehow today I don't feel worked out.  I know I'll have some muscle soreness tomorrow by virtue of having done a few things I haven't in a while, but I came away feeling like something was completely missing from the workout.  In retrospect, it should have been blatantly obvious to me (and actually was, but not to the extent that it raised warning flags) when I was drawing up the workout logs.  Specifically:

1) There were no unilateral exercises.  Everything was two hands on the wheel at all times.

2) There were no rotational exercises.

That may not sound like much, but damn! I worked each exercise to the logical max, used more weight overall than I have been using with either NROL/W or FBB, and yet came from the gym not in a huge sweat, but thinking, "That's it?"  So I'm sort of left scratching my head.  In a sense, I guess there's no real harm in doing a few easier workouts over the next two weeks: the running mileage will be peaking and a bit less effort spent in the gym may translate to a bit more juice for the road.  I can rev back up, lesson learned, after the race.  But it's also annoying to come away from the gym feeling less than worked out.  Fudge.  I had hoped this would be a plug-in, no brainer workout plan.  Oh well.  It'll be easy enough to make most of the exercises unilateral, so I guess that's what I'll try on Thursday.

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