Thursday, July 29, 2010

BAD yogini!

Hard to believe I'm in the last week of my sort of independent study yoga program.  The practises this week put together all of the "learning" practises that have been done over the past 7 week into longer practises - and by longer, I mean "good grief, when does this fucking thing end?" longer.  Don't tell Rodney Yee, but I haven't been doing the meditations because that adds 10 minutes of sitting on my ass at or past the point when I'm ready to get on with my day.  There are only two practises left in the program, plus the relaxation/meditation day, but at least that final meditation is done walking, which I think I can hack.   Still no idea of how I'm going to carry this forward, or if I am.  One of the suggestions is to just do this final week's practises, and there's no way that's going to happen.  They're just too long.  I could go back to DVDs, although there's a certain lack of appeal to that.   Or I could just call it a wrap, and just do yoga when I feel like it.  It's a shame - there are things about it I really enjoy, and yet these final practises are just pushing my annoyance buttons.

The rest of my workout life is going well.  We had a nice cool morning on Tuesday, and what do you know, I did my "easy" run at what was 10 seconds off half marathon pace just running at what felt like a casual pace.  Just goes to show you (me) how much the heat really has been a factor.  Yesterday was a quarter mile repeat day, and today was an easy run followed by FBB base phase workout B at the gym.  Interestingly this workout doesn't annoy me nearly as much as the A workout, and I realized why - I can pretty much do this workout as is, just upping the weights to make it challenging, and for the A workout, for HALF of the exercises, I have to modify them significantly to get anything out of them.  And let it be noted, Ms. Rachel doesn't offer any mods up for any of these exercises; in fact for one of them, she suggests you may never even make it to the designated rep range.  Um, guess what, girlie?  At least the next phase, "Define Yourself," looks significantly better.  Jury's still out on whether or not I'll ever do this program for its own sake (with or without her idea of cardio), but suffice it to day, I won't be doing the base phase if I do it any time soon.

Nothing new on the school front.  Classes start in early September.  I have permission to take Organic Chemistry if a spot in the class opens up, but will have to move my A&P class if that happens.  I'm checking the online class advisor program daily.  Also, I'm looking forward to an Open House that's being held by one of the schools I'm interested in; that'll be taking place a week from today.  Hopefully I'll have a chance to speak with an academic adviser & ask him/her whether or not it makes sense for me to apply for admission this spring (2011), or wait until next spring (2012).  In some ways it makes more sense to wait, mostly because I still don't really know what the hell I'm doing, other than what seems to be the Next Right Thing; but OTOH, what's life without a little mass confusion?


  1. Have you tried Eoin Finn? I'm not a yoga fan but he seems universally popular with the pretzel people. Or what about just incorporating those elements you liked and forgetting about the rest?

  2. Here's a question about the yoga. Why are you doing it, and what are you hoping to get out of it? What have you gotten out of it? Just wonderin'.

  3. Wendy, a post-worthy question, and I plan to do that today!

    Marie, I do like Eoin Finn. I have two of his DVDs, the Power Yoga for Happinesses. (I guess "happinesses" is the plural of "happiness?") He was actually the first media yoga person I thought of going back to because his stuff tends to have a nice athletic feel to it, and although he's a little woo-woo, it's not irritatingly over the top.
