Thursday, May 13, 2010

Drama Girl – The Final Chapter

I wasn’t going to talk about her anymore, BUT, Drama Girl has provided what for me will be a happy ending to our friendship, so here you have le fin. On a fitness board I belong to, someone has in her signature a quote along the lines of, “Some people bring pleasure wherever they go; some, whenever they go.” And I dedicate that thought to DG.

As mentioned previously, Drama Girl is an artist. This past Saturday, she had an art show in a neighboring town. She’s been talking about it for weeks, and has sent me photos of her pictures as she’s finished them. The show was from 6 – 9 with a party beginning immediately thereafter at her apt., lasting until Whenever. As I tend not to stay up until Whenever these days, and didn’t want to be there when the wet and dry goods came out in full swing (also not my thing these days), it was understood that I’d come and leave early.

Friday rolls around, and as far as I know, we’re still friends, or what appears to pass for friends. She calls me in a fit of hysterical laughter because some guy she was trying to help with a legal problem (because, as you remember, she worked in a law office) apparently reacquainted himself with a substance he cares to abuse, and sent her a text photo of his penis. Which she forwarded to me. Now this guy (and DG, for that matter) are allegedly adults, in their 30's or 40's, so I was kind of speechless about the whole thing... Maybe I live a sheltered life. Whatever.

Saturday afternoon, I went to the drug store (to buy a Mother’s Day card – yes, I am one of those slugs who waits until the last minute, but at least I didn’t wait until SUNDAY) and run into her there. We chat, I confirm I’ll check out the show, and she says she’ll be back to the party by 9:15, 9:30. All seems well. I had karate class plus what turned out to be a really rough run that day so I would have been far happier to have just parked my ass on the couch, popped some corn, and watched sports, but I did the whole girlie prep thing and hit the art show. I saw her pictures – for all I know, they were spectacular, but I have less than no appreciation for art, so to me they were just pictures – walked around the rest of the place, and finally met up with DG. We did the friends hug and I left, figuring she was there to sell paintings, not socialize, and I’d best get out of the way.

So the appointed hour rolls around, by which time I had long changed back into comfy clothes and very happily settled into the couch. But, I said I’d go, and all that… So I change again, and walk all of the 300 or so feet to DG’s apartment. The following, more or less, takes place:

Me: knock knock

A Male answers the door: Hi.

Me: Hi! You must be… Robert. [Robert – not his real name - is DG’s brother. She told me he’d be there hosting the pre-after party, and I’m pleased with myself for actually remembering his name.] I’m Redcat, a friend of DG’s from the apartments.

Robert: Do you have a card?

Me: A what?

Robert: A card, one of DG’s cards.

Me puzzled: Probably, back at my apt. I have her business card, and some postcard for the event.

Robert: She said not to let anyone in without a card, with something written on the back.

Me more puzzled: She didn’t say anything to me about that.

Robert: Did you go to the show?

Me: Yes, I was there.

Robert: Well, she told me no one can get in without a card. You could call her…

Me: I didn’t bring my phone.

Robert: Well, she’ll be here in maybe half an hour, you could come back…

Me: I don’t think so. Just tell her I stopped by.

Me : ?! OK…..

Robert was nice about the whole thing, but I had to wonder if this was intentional or a misunderstanding, as I had no clue that DG and I had had a falling out. And then I started to wonder if this was a blessing in disguise. DG didn’t call me to try to clear things up, and I waited a few days before seriously considering calling her. I wouldn’t have at all, except I hate leaving things on a juvenile note, so I did – only to find out her number has been disconnected.

I would say that epitomizes the way she seems to run through people, except I got off easy, as she isn't filing a law suit against me. At least not to my knowledge. So in the words of Cheap Trick, Bye Bye, So Long, Farewell...

Exercise stuff: I don’t know if I’ve talked at all about NROL/W, Stage 6. And honestly – I’m about all talked out for today, so I’ll have to get to that in another post. Suffice it to say, I am still boringly on schedule with everything. Perhaps I’ll have to find a way to spice things up, what without all the craziness…

1 comment:

  1. Sheesh. A blessing in disguise, for sure.

    I really hate people like that!
