First of all, I have a new neighbor. Usually, I don't notice my neighbors - which is very, very good. I've lived in my apartment complex for quite a few years now, and I don't think I've ever exchanged much beyond a hello-how-ya-doin' and a nod with any of them. Friendly enough, but not friends. No spats, no major disturbances, no noise that kept anyone up half the night.
Until about ten days, almost two weeks ago. My new upstairs neighbor moved in. I really didn't get much of a look of a look at her, but I did hear her music. 1) She really likes Billy Joel. 2) She really, really, really likes the song Piano Man, which she played on what seemed like infinite loop over the. entire. weekend. Now, I'm pretty neutral on Billy Joel (not a favorite, but I certainly don't hate him); however, I don't even listen to songs I like over and over and over and over.... So, that was the warning shot. Then during the week last week, there were several nights when she arrived late, like 10 pm, bringing tons of gear she had to haul upstairs and put away. This would go on until 1 or 2 am. Then there was a quiet night or two, and I figured, great, she's moved in, it's over.
Newp. We had a couple of nights in a row of her being up until 4 am. I was so spitting mad and frustrated, I didn't even go up to complain because I was afraid I'd act like a raving lunatic. Which was pretty much how I felt. Monday was a quiet day, and I though, wow, YES! Finally, it's over. But newp again. Tuesday night she was at it again, and I felt myself totally getting would up. Gave myself a bit of time to calm down, and around 1 am went up and asked her actually quite nicely to please be a bit more quiet. Next morning, I had a note under my door, with a profuse apology, and later in the day we met up and lo and behold, truce. Turns out she's pretty nice, but going through a very stressful time and said she finds herself with tons of energy sometimes and she just keeps going.... I don't know why it didn't occur to her that other people might be trying to sleep at that hour, but whatever.
So I'm happy it worked out, but damn, I hate sleep deprivation. I get very grumpy, to say the least, and my workouts suffer.
Next drama involves another neighbor, a nice young gal who is an artist by trade. She's also a manic depressive in the manic phase, which means, among other things, she'll chew your ear off given half the chance, and call at all hours. (This morning, it was 5:30 am. I wouldn't have answered, except I use my cell phone as an alarm clock, and the ringer is the alarm.) She's also a member of a 12 step group, and this past weekend, one of the male members of the same group sexually assaulted her. Apparently this guy has a history of doing this, and the women have let it go. Not neighbor artist girl. I'm not completely sure what she's going to do, but I know he's been arrested and charged, and that she's contacted the local news stations. (I know a whole lot more, too, but damn, it's tiring just remembering all this stuff.) She also has a harassment suit going against the manager of the apartment complex AND is the defendant in a criminal case (assaulting a police officer).
I must be getting old, because I need a scorecard to keep up with her. Makes me appreciate the times when my life is drama-free, though.
All of the workouts stuff is going well. I will be very, very happy when Stage 5 of NROL/W is done. I have to say this is the first stage of this program that I have not enjoyed; the workouts just take too freaking long. Yesterday I did the A workout at home and gave myself the full 2 minutes rest between, well, more sets than usual, and the workout plus my warm-up (joint mobility work and glute activation exercises, which to my happy surprise seem to be making a difference) took and hour and 45 minutes. There was no joy in Mudville. When I was done all I could think was, just three more of these fuckers... I suppose I could have done things differently by opting to do just three sets per exercise, but there's not much sense in changing course now.
This past Sunday I went to Special Training for the first time in a year. I missed two last year when I was sick and didn't go to the one in January, as I had barely just restarted karate at that point. It was great to be back in that atmosphere! We did mostly weapons work (bo staff), which was a great change of pace. It was supposed to have been an outdoor training, which would have been really cool, but that was called because of rain. The next one, in July, is also supposed to be outdoors, at the beach. That could be very interesting!
And to close, finally remembered to get on the scale again, and am down 12#. Woo! 5 more and I'm back in "happy" range. And to really, really close, some gratuitous kitteh shots:
Grif - who knew pineapples were so fascinating?
Jack, looking regal.
The very handsome Junior.
Wow so glad my neighbors aren't like yours. I just deal with a peeping Tom--blinds stay shut. lol
ReplyDeleteOMG, the neighbor thing would make me insane. Thank you for reminding me why I would go postal if I lived attached to other people! I'm glad it all ended well, but don't you wonder about people who attract THAT much drama in their lives? I mean, really.
ReplyDeleteMy neighbors are mostly nice (esp since we have lots of space between us) except the woman down the block who talks about me at every turn. Someday I may do her an injury.
Glad you are feeling so much better!