Sunday, April 8, 2012

As if it weren't obvious

I'm putting this blog on hold for a while.  I might reinvent it and bring it back once school starts - tales of an overage student, or something like that - but as an exercise blog, I think it's done. 

I don't know that I make such an interesting subject for this topic.  I set goals and do what I have to do to meet them.  Woo hoo!  Not interesting.  At least, not interesting to write about.  That side bar I used to keep, logging my workouts?  I could do it from memory because I JUST DID THE WORKOUTS.  *yawn*  The run mileage might change, but in the end, I run on my run days, lift on my lifting days, go to the dojo on karate days, and rest now and again.

My current situation is a bit different than usual in that I'm coming off an injury, but it's still pretty dull stuff to write about.  And that injury?  As it has turned out - and no, I never asked the doctor about it - I'm not sure what it is, exactly, but I'm sure it's NOT what I originally thought it was.  I know the median nerve was affected, either directly or due to swelling; I know I have left triceps atrophy.  I sometimes still have pain in the back/trap region.  But everything is improving steadily; I don't feel compelled to ice as often, I rarely take NSAIDs, and I can even sleep on my left side again.  Presses involving the left arm are still on the pathetic side, but I keep seeing progress in the right direction.

Should I have gotten a diagnosis?  Probably.  Do I care?  No.  I don't believe a diagnosis would have changed the treatment plan any - although I do think it would have been nice to have had e-stim early on for pain. 

As for my workouts - they are a bit of a mess, by my standards.  I don't have a formal strength plan going; I'm currently doing two leg-oriented circuits a week plus two upper body workouts, and adding some rehab/PT work for a mini third upper body workout on either a leg day or an off day, however the schedule goes (and even than has been highly variable lately; I've been picking up extra shifts at work, which translate to 12 - 13 hour work days, which mess up the best laid workout plans of mice and men).  I've been running 2 - 3 days a week.  I'd like to make it 3, but that doesn't always happen, due to work.  I've been missing more karate than usual, due to work and school.  (Which is going fine.  Holding steady with B's in both labs.)  I have a part of a marathon relay to run in two weeks for which I am suddenly unprepared - suddenly, because one of the team runners has just dropped out and I'm going to have to run a much longer leg than what I've been training to do. 

On top of all that, getting my ducks in order for school is not so much time consuming as it is in need of constant attention.  During the past three weeks I've had four doctors appointments, which have included one physical, two PPD (tuberculosis) tests and two "reads," two blood draws, and three vaccinations.  Plus there's financial aid paperwork, other paperwork and consent forms, and just - stuff - of which I just received another packet yesterday. 

I guess it's all better than being bored.  And, the End is in Sight.  Physics ends May 2; I leave my job on May 11; school starts May 28.  The stack of paperwork is getting hammered through.  And I will relaunch this blog, probably with a school focus (and an exercise minor), at some point in the near future.  Stay tuned! 

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