Friday, March 16, 2012

Better? Or not...

Hard to tell.  Last night was the first night in about a week that I slept through without the shoulder bothering me.  I  think that's good.  However I also haven't tested it much, so I don't know if there's a bit of strength recovery to go along with that.

Tuesday I modified the leg workout to use machines so I didn't have to carry weights in my hands for any exercises, or rest the bar on my shoulders.  I cannot tell you how - frankly - embarrassing it felt to be using machines instead of doing real exercises.  I guess I have some more getting over myself to do, eh?  The most frustrating part was trying to find a core exercise that worked.  I definitely thought bar rollouts, the exercise prescribed for that workout, were a BAD idea, so I tried planks, but they hurt the shoulder, so I tried one ab machine, and THAT hurt the shoulder, so I tried a second, and it felt wrong - too much completely unsupported lumbar flexion.  I couldn't pull a rotational exercise from memory that I thought would let the shoulder alone, so that was that.  I guess a bit more research and experimentation is in order. 

Wednesday, I had planned to hit the gym and take a yoga class, since it's spring break and I didn't have class.  Instead I got a call at 6:30 am, asking if I could work.  So, I did, since money is good and my shoulder is bad, anyway.  I usually run Thursdays before work but after working 12 the day before and facing a 12 that day as well, I just let it go.  I guess I could have been upset about this but these are truly rare circumstances for me so I didn't see any sense in sweating it.

Today I'll be modding the LB exercises as needed - no deadlifts (*snif! I really do like them), no heavy lunges.   Broad jumps, which have been on the Friday menu, are off today, but I might do some box jumps for the heck of it.  Definitely no Palloff presses (hurts just thinking about them).  Maybe a substitute if I can find one that works.  I will add some very light shoulder work, mostly stretches, and extend the cardio because I want to.  Heh.  Sorry, Eric.  I miss running, and the more I think of getting back to it the happier I am.  Tomorrow is a UB day which I plan to do since I will probably take off jiu jitsu and karate.  (I have control of the UB workout, whereas I don't always have control of what happens in karate and obviously have no control of my partners in jitz.)  The plan will be to do the preordained workout with mods as needed, with extra shoulder exercises (light db and theraband) at the end.  I'll see where things sit on Sunday, ROM, strength, and pain-wise, and go from there. 

What I'm guessing I'll do (because I DO have to guess these things - farbeit from me to leave my workout future unplanned!) is return to at least three days of running a week (long, interval, tempo), plus 3 - 4 days a week in the gym featuring machine heavy (ugh) LB, core as possible, and UB rehab.  I think at this point my goals are to 1) do well in my marathon relay and 2) arrive at grad school with a pain-free shoulder.

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